Luni-Vineri 9-16

1000 English Words

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Descriere 1000 English Words de la Usborne

This engaging and delightfully illustrated word book helps children boost their vocabulary and develop their speaking skills. A thousand really useful everyday words, carefully matched with detailed and amusing pictures, provide lots to spot and talk about. There are also QR codes to scan so you can listen to all the words read by a British English speaker.

Jane studied English at Exeter and Art History at York. She has worked on various Usborne dictionaries, encyclopaedias and learning books, and her edition of the Usborne Illustrated Dictionary was awarded a prize for a significant contribution to children's literacy. She has two sons and three stepsons who are now scattered across the globe. She gets a huge thrill from seeing her books on sale when she travels to the USA and Australia.

Extent:  48 pages

Dimensions:  290 x 240mm

Hardback ISBN:  9781474986823Key

Stage:  KS1

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