Luni-Vineri 9-16

A Sticker Dolly Story - Christmas Mystery

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Descriere A Sticker Dolly Story - Christmas Mystery de la Usborne

A Christmas special in the new Sticker Dolly fiction series, inspired by the Sticker Dolly Dressing books. It's Christmas Eve, and the Christmas Dolls get a call from Mission Control - all the presents have been stolen from Santa's workshop, and even worse, one of the elves is missing! Santa is away fetching the reindeer, and the elves don't know what to do. It's now up to the Christmas Dolls, Star, Robin and Clara, to save Christmas.

Zanna writes fiction and non-fiction for Usborne. Her favourite things to write about are small monsters and talking animals. She used to live in London but now lives in a cottage on the edge of some woods. She is only sorry there are no bears or witches in them.

Extent:  146 pages

Dimensions:  198 x 130mm



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